Environmental & Pollution Liability insurance provides a comprehensive solution that addresses a range of environmental risks that are often not covered under other insurance policies.

This policy will cover the policyholder for bodily injury, property damage and environmental damage caused by pollution incidents arising from locations that are owned or operated by the insured. Importantly, the policy will also cover emergency response expenses that are required to contain and remediate the contamination on your site where there is a legal obligation to do so.
NZ and Pacific Islands domiciled risks.
Worldwide Territory and Jurisdiction can be considered on request.
Capacity can be provided up to $30m depending on the coverage requested

Covers both Sudden & Accidental and Gradual Pollution incidents.
Emergency Response Expense coverage explicitly provided.
Applicable to various businesses including those in the industrial or commercial sectors
Can be used in real estate transactions and mergers and acquisitions to protect the interests of the buyer and seller.
Pre-existing or new conditions coverage can be offered together or separately.
Owned and operated locations are scheduled onto the policy.
Coverage for transport-related pollution liability.
Cover for business interruption.
Defence Costs in addition to the Limits
Optional Statutory Liability policy Endorsement.
Our reputation is built upon a solid promise to our policyholders. Our claims team strives for full, proactive communication with policyholders during key steps of the resolution process. Through accessing environmental experts we can act swiftly to manage a pollution crisis